Member Testimonials

Member Testimonials

Real Testimonials From L MONEY ENTERPRISES LLC. Members

Get an inside look at what it’s like to be part of our L$ LUXURY and L$ SPORT Membership packages and to be an active participant in our online community.

Browse our real client testimonials below and join us for yourself!

vibes here are unmatched

"I just want to take the time to express how grateful I am to have found this group. I’ve been trading for some time now, but I’ve found a recent spark in interest and activity because of the Lam Fam. The vibes here are unmatched, real life conversations not just BTO, STC and never say anything more like most other stock servers. But don’t get me wrong, when it’s time for business everyone does the absolute most possible to make some nice gains even on the worst market days. The team here is top tier and again the vibes are unmatched. For those that are new here or new to trading I encourage you to join the Lambo Live Chats Monday through Friday and listen to rich and the plays we all are watching. This will help you understand the strategy and how we do things here and give you a better sense of security when you decide to commit to your first trade. Just want to thank everyone for the time and effort they dedicate here and the continued success of all the Lam Fam. Can’t wait to see what the future holds and when we’re millionaires off AMC we’re all going to meet each other in Vegas for a week Lam Fam forever!"

-(L$) Devo (Options Analyst)


"I happen to be in the right place, in the right time. I could write a essay about team lambo, but no need for that because everyone knows how awesome lambo fam is; the answer is I didn't knew until the first day. The day I got recruited: I asked myself why would someone recruit such a trader as me. I don't know anything. I won't be any help, Rich wasn't like the thousand other mentors who would recruit. He put his heart into that message and showed him empathy for such a trader as me. So I said "Sure". First thing I found out was literally the fact he was communicating each part of his trades and tell us what was going on. In other discords all you could see was a PT and that was it. No info on how the hell you get to that point. The legendary Rich and Oracle to this day explain every single detail to where we hit that PT. Plus you get team lambo lessons, THIS IS A GOLDMINE. in other hand we got other analyst like Daniel. My man, every single morning before going to class he helps us understand and trade during pre market. He is the pre market legend! I would thank you but you know how much I appreciate you guys!"

- (L$) Silen

amazing trading family

"Where do I begin....Let me have a sip of my beer first before I start. This may take a minute. I am 26 years old, born n raised in a family that values integrity and respect. You will get that from these two gentleman here. @deleted-role have started something very special with Lambo Money™️ . But what do I know? I am only 26 years old with a degree I am not sure if I will ever use with no trading experience in the market besides long term investing by throwing shit to the wall & hoping it sticks...the fact of the matter is that I am sure absolutely guaranteeing 100% that YOU the person reading this will be happy with your experience here at Lambo Family. I tell myself everyday this is truly a blessing I came across this amazing trading family. I am learning so much every single day & of course knowledge is power. You will be thanking yourself later that you took that chance. If this was easy everyone would be doing it. But one thing is for sure you won't have to look any further because you are in the right place. Here at Lambo Money, Big Rich and The Oracle put in hours & hours on end to give us the best trading experience we can ask for. I am new at this. Like I said. But I know what is real and true to my heart and these two individuals prove to me day n out that they not only care about me and my time but more importantly my money. I look forward to the day I can shake your hand. Thank you for all you do for us. One Love."

- (L$) Snake Doc

The community cares for one another

"Posting this in here so any new members can see what kind of family they are joining:

Words cannot express how thankful me and my family are for this donation. Words cannot express how loved and apart of this family it made me feel. I came to the garage in the middle of my house being flooded from every which way, my belongings, bed, 4000$ workout equipment set, priceless collectibles all floating or sunk under 7ft or more of sewer and rain water. Now keep in mind that this was after we got 5ft of water 4 days prior and had to fix/ replace central air unit and hot water heater, my entire mattress and frame, clothing some of my collection etc. so the feeling was very defeating. When I went down to water falls coming in every direction, we just got the family upstairs and prayed it would stop before it ran up to the kitchen etc. I came to the garage that night for support that I knew the lam fam would give me. The warm wishes and blessings and kind words were more than enough, my family that is blood and my friends that are here in person, did not even call or text to ask if we are safe, let alone offer help. You guys made us feel so amazing with your support and wishes-even without the amazing drive Oracle and Rich set up. State farm denied our claim, our comptroller ignored out app, fema didn't even look at our claim, only the fam here helped us in need. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, I will be lamfam forever, cannot wait to recover and have the money to build a future with all of you here. I will never forget this and will pay it forward and be here if any one of you need it. -Love Anthony(insano) and fam."

- (L$) Insano

Supportive Community

"I Joined the lam fam on the 20th of October and my whole experience in this server has been amazing. The lam fam has such a good and supportive community that is hard to find anywhere else."

- (L$) Morphix

Answer Questions Like a Family

"I have to be honest, my English is not great so am sorry. I usually don't write things as this, but I feel like I have to because of how grateful I am to this server. First, I work during the day so am only around every now and then. During premarket, @(L$) Daniel F is the most helpful person ever !!!! he literally tells the stocks what to do because he is so accurate with the analysis , and he always answers everyone questions like a family . his callouts have made me as much money in 1 week more than my job XD. And secondly, @(L$) BigRich !!! Rich take the time out of his family to do voice chat everyday . am not able to join voice everyday but when I do his PTs are nuts.... these 2 have changed my life, and every time I DM they answer in minute, no matter how stupid my question ... this is the most helpful server (FAMILY) I every joined.. they are real people. Daniel and Rich thank u both again for everything. TEAM LAMBO MONEY FOR LIFE !!!!!!"

-Josua Ulysses

nothing but amazing

"This is the First trading server I had joined back in January and All I can say this server is the best Trading Server out there. The LamFam has been nothing but Amazing to me. They have answered all my questions and taught me more then I could’ve ever been taught anywhere else. They have helped shaped my future by showing me how great trading can be when with the right people and guidance. I am now looking to make trading my job and what I am going to do once I’m out of school. No matter how much time you have The Lam Fam will always present you opportunities to make money on the Stock Market. I feel blessed to have @(L$) BigRich @(L$) Snake Doc @(L$) BT Trades (Swing Analyst) and @(L$) Daniel F guide me in my Trading career and they can guide you too if you put in the effort. Love the LamFam and will be here till the end!"


worth it

"I gotta say is a huge Thank You for the LAM FAM! I mean, for real.

It's my first time having a 3 figures profit in a day, specially because this was a main personal goal ever, to be able to reach the hundreds. The thing is that I've been in a strike of L's and unsuccessful operations for a while... Near 3 months bleeding... And all it took was 1 nice day only to make it right and recover from the bottom and also make a profit above it!

I mean, I do know it may not sound much, specially because there's a lot to still cover, but I really know my personal struggles and what I've been through to take it so far. Of course there is no magic, and I've been studying all this time along since then and also learned a lot from it myself. I had to totally change directions: 100% new strategy going the other way. But it works. It's hard, really hard, but worth it. Trust the process. The community here and the people that make it happen are the Gem! Numbers mean nothing at all when we feel confidence like this. I am very comfortable being here and doing what's right, that's why I meant to drop some words.

Thank you very much, appreciate y'all! Bless."


technical analysis is crazy accurate

"I just had one of the best weeks of trading in my whole 3 years of trying to learn to Day Trade, so I just have to get a testimonial in for thanking this server, especially Rich, The Oracle, Davis, and Mike_G. Over the past few months, I've been through so many "signal" and "alerts" discords that essentially say that "We'll tell you where to buy and sell, you don't even need to do anything to become rich!", which is just bullshit. I found out the hard way that it is not the case. Rich and his team taught me that Day Trading is a path of constant learning, experience, and discipline. I learned so much here in my first 3 weeks, it's crazy. The team's technical analysis is crazy accurate, he teaches you how it is done in the Lambo Lessons, and shows you different ways to manage trading in a market where the odds are stacked against you. This server is a group of people that knows the real deal when it comes to trading, and are willing to share their knowledge to everyone who's passionate enough to learn about it. For the first time in 3 years, I'm super confident about managing my own trades, doing my own TA, and also controlling my own emotions. There's still so much for me to learn here, and I know that if I want to continue to succeed, I'll have to put in the effort! As Big Rich said, "Hard work betrays no one." Thank you, TEAM LAMBO MONEY $$"

- mrktBULL69